Friday, May 11, 2007

Moving Along: Tagging and all that

In Delicious , I decided I would search on something that really intersts me ; fitness. One thing I really liked about Delicious is that it is available everywhere , where ever you go , so it's quite handy. You don't need to purchase any expensive software which is pretty cool. The tagging aspect is neat too and the concept of related tags helps one to hone their search that much quicker , I think. When I compare a search for fitness on Google , it appears you can get the same information but it seems as if a weeding process must be undertaken. You need to sift through data before you can get to something you might find you want to read. That's where the tags come in handy. Flickr is pretty neat too but I think I may have to do more exploring in order to become more familiar with it. This is a picture I really liked in Flickr.

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