Friday, March 2, 2007

Bloody Blogs

The honeymoon is over. Blogging calls for a lot of discipline , time and savvy. It may be a very simple task for all you tekkies out there but I have just finished sewing a book by hand. I use methods people have been using for centuries! Not much has changed in the world of hand book binding ! I must now move from the seventeenth century into the twenty first. My experiences with subscribing to my colleagues RSS feeds was a little frustrating. Some have not done their week 3 homework and I cannot blame them as I am writing this at the eleventh hour. One feed which I tried to subscribe to would not "take'.( How's that for tekkie terminology?). The person had done the RSS feeds and all , but it just would not complete the task I asked. So I had to subscribe to someone else. All in all , I am interested in all the things I am learning and it is a good experience for me.

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